Two Tree Care Myths Exposed
Posted on:
28 March 2015
The trees that are growing around your yard add important character and shade to your property. However, it is a sad fact of life that your trees can encounter numerous problems that can compromise their beauty or lead to their death. Many well-meaning homeowners may make the mistake of believing a couple of myths about caring for their trees, and this can make them more likely to accidentally damage these plants.
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Weed Control: The Importance & How It Can Be Done
Posted on:
26 March 2015
Do you have a lot of plants and have noticed an increase in the amount of weeds? It is in your best interest to hire a professional to get rid of the weeds, as they can cause harm to your plants. In this article, learn why weed control is important and how it can be done.
What Makes Weed Control Important?
Weed control is important when you have plants because the weeds can create a place for pests to reside.
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Four Benefits Of Stump Grinding
Posted on:
25 March 2015
If you have recently removed a tree from your property, you are probably going to be left with a stump. Removing a stump is going to require extra care and work, which is why you should consider professionals for stump grinding. With stump grinding the stump of the tree will be shaved done enough that eventually it will break down or be covered over by the grass surrounding it. Here are the major benefits of hiring professionals for stump grinding:
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Three Endangered Tree Species That May Require Removal On Your Property
Posted on:
20 March 2015
Trees can be a valuable addition to your home, and you may want to save them if possible. If some of the trees on your property are threatened species, caring for them may be something that you want to do. There are times when care of trees may not be enough. Sometimes with insects and diseases, removing an unhealthy tree may be the best solution to prevent a problem from spreading.
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