Three Endangered Tree Species That May Require Removal On Your Property

Posted on: 20 March 2015

Trees can be a valuable addition to your home, and you may want to save them if possible. If some of the trees on your property are threatened species, caring for them may be something that you want to do. There are times when care of trees may not be enough. Sometimes with insects and diseases, removing an unhealthy tree may be the best solution to prevent a problem from spreading. Here are three endangered tree species that you may want to have a tree service look at if they have a problem:

1. Torreya Or Stinking Cedar And Other Cedar Species

There are various types of cedar trees that are rare or endangered species, including the stinking cedar, which is native to the Southeastern United States. Insects and disease can affect these trees, especially when they are out of their native range. Sometimes, pest control and pruning can be done to save these trees, but they may have to be removed to control invasive species like pine beetles or diseases.

2. Endangered And Rare Cypress Species

Cypress trees are common in moist, warm climates, and can be a great addition to your property. There are some species that are endangered, and can be susceptible to disease when outside of their native range. In dry climates, cypress may not have the moisture they need for growth, which can make them unhealthy and prone to disease and insects. It is important to ensure they have an adequate source of water when planted in dry climates.

3. Various Species Of Hemlocks

Hemlocks are another conifer tree that can be an endangered or threatened species. The western hemlock is an example of a hemlock species that has been evaluated as a threatened species, but is not listed. These trees can be affected by pine beetles and other foreign insects that cause forestry damage. To keep invasive insect problems under control, you may need to have any diseased or infested trees removed to prevent the problem from spreading to other trees. The Carolina hemlock is an example of a hemlock species that is endangered, and one you may want to save if possible.

Endangered trees cannot always be saved, which means sometimes removal is needed to help protect other healthy trees. If you have endangered trees and some have problems, contact a tree service like Hodgson's Expert Tree Service to find out what will be the best solutions for your trees.
