• Fungal Brackets: A Sign You Should Remove A Tree

    People often wonder how to tell whether a tree needs to be removed. In many cases, the signs are not entirely cut and dry. Dead branches, for example, sometimes mean the tree is dying and should be removed – but other times, just those branches need to be trimmed away. There is, however, one sign that your tree almost certainly needs to be removed from your yard. That sign is the growth of brackets from the tree's trunk.
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  • About Tree Services

    Tree service companies can provide a wide range of services relating to the care and maintenance of trees. As a homeowner, you should familiarize yourself with the services they offer so you know when they can be of assistance to you. This article will discuss some of the tree services they can offer.  Tree trimming: Tree trimming involves removing excessive growth from the tree to control its size and shape. Trimming can also help create clearance from buildings and power lines.
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  • 5 Reasons Why You May Need To Prune In Summer

    Tree pruning is typically considered a winter or late spring chore since trees are less likely to suffer issues if they are trimmed while they are still dormant. There are some exceptions to this rule that may mean that a summer pruning service is needed. 1. Storm Damage  Summer thunderstorms often bring with them high winds, hail, or even lightning strikes. The resulting damage to a tree can pose a danger, especially if there are broken branches at risk of falling.
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  • Removal Options For Trees Growing Near The Home's Foundation

    There are many reasons to remove a tree, but one pressing reason is if it is growing too close to the foundation of your home. The roots can cause foundation damage, while the close proximity of the tree increases the chances of it damaging the siding or roof of the house. Small Trees and Saplings Small trees and saplings, particularly those that are no more than a couple of years old, can often be removed easily by the homeowner.
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  • What Are The Top 5 Signs You Need Tree Removal Services?

    If you have trees in your yard or near your property, you know how beneficial they can be. Trees can provide shade, fresh air, and an overall sense of tranquility to your home. However, sometimes trees can become a danger to you, your property, and your neighbors. If you're not sure if a tree needs to be removed, here are five signs to look out for: Tree Is Leaning If you notice your tree is leaning, it's important to act quickly.
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  • What Can You Do About Tree Galls?

    Tree galls are abnormal growths that can develop on trees due to a variety of reasons, but they're commonly caused by insect or mite infestation, bacterial or fungal infection, and environmental stress. These growths can vary in size, shape, and color and can occur on any part of the tree, including the leaves, stems, and branches. If you notice tree galls on your trees, it's essential to take the necessary steps to address the issue promptly.
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  • 3 Types Of Protection To Expect From Dead Wooding Tree Services

    Homeowners with trees on their properties likely appreciate how they beautify their properties. It is essential that they do not get blinded by the ambiance and fail to notice when tree trimming services are needed from a tree company. Deadwooding is a type of trimming that should be performed during the spring months. It involves removing dead or loose branches that could be a threat during a storm. Fallen branches may cause property damage, and dead branches are prone to falling even when there is not an inclement weather event.
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  • What You Need To Know About Tree Removal Before Cutting Or Removal Begins

    Tree removal is often the last resort on properties with a lot of vegetation unless the tree has the potential to cause damage or is dangerous. Deciding when tree removal is appropriate may mean working with a tree care service with an arborist available to look over the trees on your property.  Tree Pruning Or Trimming  Trees hanging over structures or showing signs of weak limbs and branches can often benefit from tree pruning or trimming to reduce potential problems.
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  • 3 Reasons To Consider Removing The Trees Around Power Lines

    Most businesses and homes rely on overhead power lines to get the electricity needed for daily operations. For this reason, it is important to protect these power lines from damage that could interrupt the electricity supply. Unfortunately, sometimes the trees growing in your backyard may be too close to these power lines that they pose certain risks. In such cases, it is advisable to hire tree removal companies to remove some trees on your property to restore safety.
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  • Tree Trimming For Safety: Reducing The Risk Of Storm Damage

    Maintaining the health and appearance of your trees is an important aspect of property maintenance. Tree trimming can help to remove dead or damaged branches, promote healthy growth, and improve the overall appearance of your trees. In addition, regular tree trimming can help to reduce the risk of storm damage to your property. This can be of particular interest to those who live in regions prone to strong winds and heavy rains, but everyone in America can benefit from reduced risk of damage to their home.
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