What Can You Do About Tree Galls?

Posted on: 29 March 2023

Tree galls are abnormal growths that can develop on trees due to a variety of reasons, but they're commonly caused by insect or mite infestation, bacterial or fungal infection, and environmental stress. These growths can vary in size, shape, and color and can occur on any part of the tree, including the leaves, stems, and branches.

If you notice tree galls on your trees, it's essential to take the necessary steps to address the issue promptly. Here are four ways to deal with tree galls effectively:

1. Identify the Type of Gall

The first step in dealing with tree galls is to identify the type of gall present on your tree because that knowledge informs your next move. If the gall is caused by insects or mites, you may need to use an insecticide or miticide. On the other hand, if the gall is caused by a fungal or bacterial infection, you may need to use a fungicide or bactericide.

2. Prune the Affected Branches

If the tree galls are localized to specific branches, you can prune them off the tree to prevent the further spread of the infestation. When pruning, make sure to use sanitized pruning tools from one tree to the next to avoid spreading the disease. Removing the infected branches will also encourage new growth that's healthy and free of disease.

3. Use Chemical Treatments With Caution

Once you've identified the cause of the galls and removed any branches you can, you can turn to the chemical treatments mentioned earlier, including fungicides and insecticides. However, it's important to use chemicals cautiously, as they can sometimes harm beneficial insects and other organisms. They can also be toxic to humans, so make sure that the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn when you're tackling this part of the job.

4. Seek Help From Professional Tree Services 

When the infestation is severe or you're unsure about the best way to identify the cause of the galls and their treatment, it's wisest to consult with a professional tree pruning service. These kinds of experts are familiar with tree galls and know how to get to the underlying problem and find a cure. They can also tell you whether pruning is a viable option or whether removing the whole tree is necessary to protect other trees on your property from this blight.

Tree galls can be a cause for concern, but with the right approach, you can manage and control them effectively. To learn more, contact a tree service in your area.
