Four Common Mistakes You Do Not Want To Make When Removing A Tree

Posted on: 9 August 2016

There are many benefits of having trees on your property including shade, habitat for animals, and curb appeal. As a tree dies, it then poses a safety risk for your family and your home. Removal of a tree is no easy feat and requires experience in order to do it safely. In an effort to save money, a homeowner may choose to remove the tree themselves, but this could be extremely dangerous. In fact, falling limbs and trees could result in not only injuries, but it could actually cause fatalities. To properly remove a tree, here are some mistakes to avoid. 

Removing Trees Around Other Trees

One of the biggest mistakes you could make when removing a tree is to try and remove a tree that is surrounded by other trees. The issue comes into play when the root system of the tree you are removing is intertwined with the root systems of other nearby trees,. If you disrupt the root system of other trees nearby, then you may have to remove them at a later date. Worst case, the trees can develop fungus and diseases because they are no longer healthy, resulting in them falling. 

Removing Trees Near Power Lines

Another common mistake to avoid when cutting down a tree is doing it around power lines. Anytime you have power lines overhead, you have to be careful that you do not disturb them, as this could result in an electrocution. Not only should you be extremely careful when removing the tree, but you also want to be careful trimming limbs, as they could fall on the power lines. Should a limb fall onto the power lines and knock it down, it could hit the trimmer. 

Improper Use of Equipment

Many times, homeowners will use a chainsaw in an effort to remove a tree. About 36,000 people are injured by a chainsaw every year. This is a result of having it running when not in use, not positioning it properly, and not knowing how to use it. Using a chainsaw to remove a tree should only be done by a professional tree remover. This can help you avoid injuries and possibly death. 

Cutting Too Far In

When removing a tree, you have to be careful that you do not cut too far in. Doing so can result in the tree falling the opposite direction you prefer. This could cause the tree to fall on you resulting in major injuries and possible death. As a rule of thumb, you should make sure the hinge is at least 10% of the core of the tree so that way you can determine which way it will fall. 

For more information, contact Southern Tree Care, Inc. or a similar company.
